cooking healthy vegetable dishes
leek and lettuce on a chopping board

RECIPES You will notice that the following recipes look more like guidelines, they are plant based, have almost no added oils, consist of a great variety of whole foods in a rainbow of colors, and are rich in vitamins, phytochemicals, antioxidants, protective nutrients, and fiber.  Experiment with them.  Focus on better nourishing yourself and your family.

(click here for printable version)


Old fashioned flat oats dry

Dates chopped or mashed to a paste

baked sweet potato

baked pumpkin (home-made or canned)

mango and / or papaya

cinnamon powder

plant milk (soy, almond, rice)


mix together and refrigerate


Use 2 -4 - 6 - 8 cups of dry oats

plus enough fruit and liquid ingredients

to achieve a soupy consistency

the oats will absorb liquid overnight

Keeps in the fridge for 5 days as you consume it.


Avena en hojuelas (Quaker)

Dátiles majados hasta formar una pasta

Batata o camote asado

Calabaza asada (en casa o de lata)

mango y/ó papaya

canela en polvo

leche de planta (soya, almendra, arroz)


mezcla todo y pon tapado en la nevera


Usa la cantidad que quieras de avena seca

2 - 4 - 6 - 8 tazas

suficiente fruta é ingredientes líquidos

hasta conseguir una consistencia de asopao—la avena absorberá el líquido en la noche.

Dura en la nevera 5 días mientras la vas consumiendo.