cooking healthy vegetable dishes
leek and lettuce on a chopping board

RECIPES You will notice that the following recipes look more like guidelines, they are plant based, have almost no added oils, consist of a great variety of whole foods in a rainbow of colors, and are rich in vitamins, phytochemicals, antioxidants, protective nutrients, and fiber.  Experiment with them.  Focus on better nourishing yourself and your family.

leek and lettuce on a chopping board


Cook one pound of dry beans in a pot of plain unsalted water or the skins will end up tough.

Use the same method for any beans. Mung, moth, black, pink, red, navy, cannellini, chick peas, black eye peas, or lentils. Cooking time will vary with the small ones taking less time. 

Ready when able to easily squish the beans between fingertips; rinse and add fresh water. 

Once cooked, season lightly with salt and ground pepper.

Mince an onion and five to six garlic cloves.

Cube vegetables to suit your taste: pumpkin, sweet potato, carrots, red pepper, mushrooms, fresh or canned tomatoes and a cubed apple for a bit of sweet flavor.

Add all the ingredients together with plenty of water and simmer until the vegetables are soft and the flavors have mingled. 

Chop a large bunch of greens: kale, collards, Napa cabbage, bok choy, spinach, or callaloo.

Chop a bunch of herbs: cilantro, basil, or parsley.

Do a final seasoning with salt, pepper, olives, capers, tamarind, ginger, a drizzle of maple syrup, or seasoned vinegar, until satisfied. Experiment with flavors and record your preferences.

Mash half cup of the beans for a thicker sauce. In Puerto Rico this versatile dish is prepared with different legumes and served on top of rice.


HABICHUELAS - (clic aqu para la versión imprimible)

Ablanda una libra de habichuelas secas en agua a fuego mediano sin sal. Usa el mismo método para tus habichuelas favoritas.  Varía sólo el tiempo que se toman en ablandar.

Cuando las puedas aplastar entre los dedos enjuágalas otra vez y añádeles agua fresca. 

Ahora puedes comenzar a sazonar con sal y pimienta.

Pica menudito una cebolla y varios dientes de ajo.

Corta en cuadritos gran variedad de vegetales a tu gusto: camote, zanahoria, pimientos, hongos, tomates.

Añade todos estos ingredientes con bastante agua para que los sabores se combinen.  Sazona con sal, pimienta, alcaparra, tamarindo, jarabe de arce, ó jengibre a gusto.

Escoge y pica un mazo grande de hojas verdes: kale, collards, repollo chino ó Napa, bok choy, espinacas, 

Escoge y pica otro mazo de yerbas: cilantro, albahaca, ó perejil.

Maja media taza de las habichuelas para espesar la salsa.  En Puerto Rico, este plato se sirve con arroz.


LENTIL SALAD - serve cold

1 pound French lentils

1 cup vegetable broth

Cook the lentils in ample vegetable broth plus water until tender but still firm, for about 30 minutes

Drain the lentils and keep the broth for a soup or some other dish

Add to the lentils:

2-3 carrots diced close to the size of the lentils

2 celery stalks diced close to the size of the lentils

1 red pepper diced as above

2-3 tablespoons chopped fresh dill

2-3 tablespoons chopped fresh tarragon

2-3 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley

Dress the salad with:

2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice

2 teaspoons vinegar

1 tablespoon (optional) olive oil
Salt and pepper to tate


1 libra de lentejas negras

1 taza caldo de vegetales

Cocina las lentejas en sufucuente caldo y agua hasta que estén tiernas pero firmes, como 30 minutos

Drena las lentejas y
guarda  el caldo para otra receta.

Añade a las lentejas:

2-3 zanahorias picaditas

2 tallos de apio picadito

1 pimiento rojo picadito igual

2-3 cuchradas de hinojo fresco picado

2-3 cucharadas de tarragón

2-3 cucharadas de perejil fresco picado

Aderezo para la ensalada:

2 cucharadas jugo de limón amarillo fresco

2 cucharaditas de vinagre

1 cucharada aceite de oliva - opcional

Sal y pimienta a gusto

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