cooking healthy vegetable dishes

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leek and lettuce on a chopping board

Essays ... Ensayos

Nutritional Bites ... Bocados Nutritivos

Recipes ... Recetas

References ... Referencias

View From My Window...Desde Mi Ventana

Practice mindful shopping.

Plan your meals around a rainbow of colors.

Eat close to a pound of various vegetables and greens every day.

Grab some leafy greens at every trip to the market.

Bring a Brassica home - broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, arugula, kohlrabi radishes.

Include a different fruit in each meal - tomato, pepper, apple, mango, berries.

Buy steel cut oats from the bulk bins.  Cook them for breakfast with different fruits.

Keep pots of cooked grains and legumes in the fridge to complement your meals.

Try quinoa, buckwheat, rice, barley, wheat berries.

Experiment with different flavors - cilantro, ginger, fennel, parsley.

Dress your salad with a mashed slice of avocado spritzed with lemon.

Savor food from other traditions.  All around the world people love to eat. 

Try legumes from their rich variety.  Learn how easy it is to cook them.

Top some of your meals with a fistful of nuts or seeds.

Enjoy good bread as a treat not a filler. Try millet, pumpernickel, or rye bread.

As a general rule drink only water. Add slices of cucumber or fennel seeds for a refreshing flavor.

Allow food to reveal its flavor.  Savor the first bite of every meal.

If you smoke, quit.


Come cantidad de plantas nutritivas todos los días.

Planea tus comidas alrededor de un arco iris de color.

Agarra varios mazos de hojas verdes cada vez que vas al mercado.

Cuando sales de compra trae a casa algún crucífero -bróculi, coliflor, repollo, coles de Bruselas, bok choy.

Incluye frutas en todas tus comidas - tomate, pimiento, manzana, fresas, uvas.

Mantén ollas de granos y legumbres ya cocidos en la nevera para acompañar tus comidas.

Experimenta con diferentes sabores -cilantro, jengibre, anís, perejil - añade a la tradición.

Maja una tajada de aguacate sazonado con unas gotas de limón sobre tu ensalada.

Salpica un puñado de nueces y semillas sobre tus platos favoritos.